(407) 574-8411

1722 W. Oak Ridge Rd. Orlando, FL 32809

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Upcoming Degree Programs*

*We are not accepting application for our upcoming degree programs at the moment.

Upcoming Diploma Programs*



*We are not accepting application for our upcoming diploma programs at the moment.


Student Services

Hajgden International College’s Student Services is a vital part of the student’s educational program. Although the securing of positions cannot be guaranteed, the purpose of Student Services is to actively assist students in obtaining desirable employment.

The Career Services Office is here to assists students and graduates in a broad range of career planning and advising to include but not limited to: interviewing skills, follow up, resume building and critiquing, job opportunity generation through job leads and networking, mock interviews and the full cycle of the hiring process, including job applications and professional attire workshops.

These employment assistance and student services are available to all students who successfully complete the requirements for graduation in their respective programs. Employment opportunities may be limited for everyone who has a criminal background. Students and graduates are encouraged to take advantage of every opportunity to work with the Career Services office to sharpen their interviewing and presentation skills. Successful employment assistance is dependent upon a mutual effort by both graduates and the Career Services Office

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